Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hanging Out in Ottawa

We are sitting here at the Starbucks in the neighbourhood. It's great here. We've just learned that we get 2 hours of free Internet every day. We're enjoying coffee and free samples right now. I've just discovered how much I love the chocolate and caramel covered pretzels. Yummy! Keep those samples coming.

We finally accomplished something on our to do list today. We had been taking it easy and sleeping a lot. Today, we took the bus downtown to renew our passports. The bus took a very scenic route downtown and we both realized how much we took the natural beauty of Ottawa for granted. We went along the river and everything is just so green. It seems that you appreciate things more only when you haven't seen it for awhile. Don and I have only seen Ottawa in the winter these past couple of years so it's really really nice to see it in the summer... even with the cooler temps and rain. Hope we get to see some warmer temps soon.

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