Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer in Ottawa

After a weight gaining last few weeks in Jinan, we've said our goodbyes to our friends and students. We are now back in Ottawa for the summer.

After packing up a few belongs and shipping them ahead to Shantou, our new home in China, we made the long journey home. Our plans were to enjoy the summer in Ottawa before returning to teach for another year in the south of China, in the province of Guangdong. Sadly, the summer weather hasn't quite made it to Ottawa yet. After the 39 C and 40 C we were used to in Jinan, the low 20 C we're experiencing here might as well be winter. Brrrr! Hopefully summer will find us soon.

Still trying to get beyond the jet lag so will update more soon. I am happy to say that I didn't need a 2 hour nap today, for a change :) J xo

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