Sunday, January 16, 2011

We're Back !!!

I can't believe how lazy I've been about the blog. Living abroad has become our "normal" life so things have become ordinary for us. I'd rather blame it on the Great Firewall but that would be wrong. It's time for me to start appreciating life here and sharing through the blog again. Hey, I'll add this to my resolutions. Anyhoo, this is a short posting because we're getting ready to leave for Thailand tomorrow. Can't believe that we are going! We started planning this in November so it hasn't felt real until now.

Through the recommendation of a new friend we met at Algonquin this summer, we've rented an apartment for a month in Pattaya. We have no grand plans for Thailand, only that we will be warm:) If all goes well, we'll also spend a week with our Canadian friends, who we teach with here, in Phuket.

So for the next month, I will definitely be posting our adventures ... unless we end up just lounging by the pool, ha ha.

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